
Joe Abraham is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree (DMin) in Church Ministries and Leadership at Oral Roberts University, USA. He is an ordained minister, mentor, pioneer, leadership coach, and keynote speaker with over 27 years of experience in people and leadership development. Beginning his career empowering young people, Joe broadened his expertise to incorporate training and coaching leaders in missional and marketplace settings.

Joe has a Master of Arts in English Literature from Kerala University, India, and a Master of Divinity degree from Southern Asia Bible College (CGLD – Assemblies of God), India. He is a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team Member.

While pursuing doctoral studies, Joe served as a teaching assistant for the SEL courses (Spirit-Empowered Life and Spirit-Empowered Leadership) taught by ORU President Dr. Billy Wilson (Fall ’23 and Spring ’24). He also assisted Dr. Jeff Lamp as a Teaching Assistant in the “Hermeneutics: Principles of Biblical Interpretation” course (Fall ’24).

Click this link to read Joe’s “life story”